就在全國上下團結一心、同舟共濟,堅決遏制新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情擴散,堅決打贏疫情防控的狙擊戰的同時,啟迪在英國的合作者也發來他們的關注和慰問,表示與中國伙伴們站在一起,迎接光明的到來。應王濟武董事長的約請,啟迪控股戰略合伙人、2018年諾貝爾獎得主Gregory Winter爵士對新冠肺炎的防護以及其藥物研發提出一些看法和建議,并希望能對中國的抗疫大業有所助益,并表示希望通過啟迪控股,向中國民眾表達支持和問候,祝愿中國早日戰勝疫情。(見:諾獎得主Gregory Winter爵士提醒新冠肺炎藥物及檢測研發要點)其他合作者也紛紛通過啟迪英國,向中國人民發來慰問:“The world is anxious about coronavirus, and the city of Cambridge, with its excellent links to China feels this particularly. This is a new disease and I commend the speed with which Chinese officials identified the virus, sequenced its genome and shared those findings. We need to beat the virus and that will happen through looking at the evidence and taking decisive action. We stand in solidarity. ——Daniel Zeichner, Member of Parliament for Cambridge”啟迪控股聯合劍橋大學三一學院參與劍橋科技園建設,共建了劍橋啟迪科技園。代表劍橋郡的英國國會議員Daniel Zeichner發來慰問,翻譯如下:“全世界都對冠狀病毒感到焦慮,而劍橋市與中國有著密切的聯系,尤其感受到了這一點。這是一種新型疾病,我對中國官員們快速地識別病毒、測序其基因組并分享這些發現的行為表示稱贊。我們必須要戰勝病毒,只有通過查看各種證據、采取果斷行動才能實現。讓我們團結起來?!?/section>“The Coronavirus is a matter of concern for all of us, but particularly those who have friends and family in China or one of the other affected areas. My heart goes out to all those affected by the virus, and particularly the brave medical staff fighting on the frontline, and the ordinary people isolating themselves in order to prevent the virus spreading. An outbreak of this magnitude requires a global response, international collaboration and solidarity. Here in Newcastle we have one of the country’s leading medical research and isolation centres as well as a thriving Chinese community. I am doing all I can to support both.”——Chi Onwurah, Member of Parliament for Newcastle”紐卡斯爾啟迪科技園位于英國紐卡斯爾。代表紐卡斯爾的英國國會議員Chi Onwurh發來慰問,翻譯如下:“我們所有人都關注著新型冠狀病毒,而那些有朋友和家人在中國或者其他受到影響的地區的人們則更加關注。我向所有受病毒影響的人,特別是奮戰在前線的勇敢的醫務人員,以及為防止病毒傳播而隔離的普通人,表示衷心的支持。如此大規模的爆發需要全球性的反應、國際合作和團結。在紐卡斯爾,我們擁有全國領先的醫學研究和隔離中心之一,以及一個繁榮的華人社區。我正在盡我所能來支持這些?!?/section>“The outbreak of the Covid-2019 virus in China this year has had a huge impact on the health and well-being of people in China and around the world. The British government acted quickly in support of China by donating materials and equipment to Wuhan, China at the outset, and also allocated 20 million pounds of special funds to support Chinese and British scientists to quickly carry out cooperative research on virus vaccines and prevention. The UK Department for International Trade is also organizing relevant British companies to provide China with ongoing materials and technical assistance. We sincerely hope that China can quickly control the epidemic and normal life resumes as soon as possible. China is the engine of the world economy, and there has already been a worldwide economic impact due to the coronavirus. The United Kingdom supports and hopes for China to overcome this epidemic as quickly as possible, and return to health and prosperity. Go China! Wuhan Jia You!——Dr. Jiansheng Du, Specialist of Life Sciences Organisation of Department for International Trade, UK”——英國國際貿易部醫藥行業專家杜建盛博士發來慰問,翻譯如下:“新型冠狀病毒在中國的爆發已經對中國和全世界人民的生命健康產生了巨大的影響。英國政府快速反應,從一開始便向中國武漢捐贈了物資和裝備,也撥出2000萬英鎊專項經費用來支持中國和英國的科學家盡快在冠狀病毒疫苗和防治工作上進行合作性研究。英國國際貿易部也在組織相關的英國企業,為中國提供急需的物資和技術上的援助。我們真誠地希望中國能盡快地控制疫情,回復到正常的生活。中國是世界經濟的引擎,新型冠狀病毒的經濟影響也已經是全球性的。英國政府支持和希望中國能盡可能快地戰勝疫情,繼續健康和繁榮發展。中國加油!武漢加油!”“On behalf of the people of Newcastle upon Tyne, I would like to offer our support and concern for anyone in China and beyond affected by the recent Coronavirus outbreak. Viruses like this do not discriminate; they tear families and communities apart. I offer sincere condolences to anyone who has lost a family member or a friend in recent weeks, and extend our hand in friendship to you at such a difficult time. I would also like to pay tribute to the health service workers, carers and others who risk their own health to protect us all. Fortunately global outbreaks like this are rare, but we have shown that we can work together across national boundaries to contain its spread.——Councillor Nick Forbes, Leader, Newcastle City Council”紐卡斯爾市議會議員Nick Forbes發來慰問,翻譯如下:“我謹代表泰恩河畔紐卡斯爾的人民,向中國和其他地區受最近冠狀病毒疫情影響的人表達支持和關心。這樣的病毒的傷害是無差別性的;他們撕裂著家庭和社區。我向最近幾周失去親人或朋友的人表示誠摯的慰問,并在如此困難的時刻向你們伸出友誼之手。我還要向那些冒著自身健康危險保護我們所有人的衛生服務工作者、護理人員和其他人員表示敬意。所幸這樣的全球疫情不會常見,但我們已經表明,我們可以跨越國界共同努力,來遏制其蔓延?!?/section>“On behalf of the members of the Cambridge Science Park, we extend our deepest sympathy to all those families affected by the coronavirus particularly those who have lost loved ones. We remember you all daily in our thoughts and prayers. It is hard for us to imagine how difficult it must be for you simply coping with every day life especially in Wuhan. As part of a wider global endeavour, British scientists are working hard to find a vaccine. We sincerely hope they will quickly succeed in their endeavours and that life will get back to normal for you as soon as possible.—— Jeanette Walker, Director of Cambridge Science Park”劍橋科技園總經理Jeanette Walker代表英國劍橋科技園發來慰問, 翻譯如下:“我謹代表劍橋科技園的全體成員,對于因為新型冠狀病毒影響而失去摯愛的所有家庭,致以最深切的慰問。我們每一天都在惦念著你們,為你們而祈禱。無法想象,你們在日復一日中經歷著何等的艱難,特別是在武漢。作為全球共同努力的一部分,英國的科學家也在努力尋找著攻克病毒的疫苗。我們真誠地希望科學家們的努力能盡快取得成功,也希望生活能盡快地回復日常。”“Our thoughts at this time are with our friends and colleagues in China as they face the threats posed by the coronavirus and the impact on health and well-being of the people. We applaud the bravery of the Chinese health care professionals at the forefront of the response using their experience and expertise to mitigate the devastating effects of this epidemic. We stand together in the efforts to optimise the care and treatments for individuals affected by the virus. ——Cambridge Innovation Capital(CIC)”啟迪在英國投資了劍橋創新資本Cambridge Innovation Capital(CIC),CIC也發來慰問,翻譯如下:“這些天來,我們一直惦念著我們中國的朋友和同事們,在他們面臨著由新型冠狀病毒帶來的身體和生活各方面的影響和威脅的時候。我們為中國在前線奮戰的專業醫護人員而喝彩,他們正運用著他們的專業和經驗來盡可能緩解疫情的危害性。面對這場疫情,我們團結一致,爭取在醫療護理和診治上早日獲得好消息。”“I wanted to reach out and let you know that I, like many people, have the coronavirus issue in my thoughts night and day. While the main focus of the outbreak is in China, these types public health issues are global as evidenced by the world coming together and collaborating to ensure the most efficient outcome to control the virus. Please accept my heartfelt concern on behalf of Biosceptre International for all those touched by this, and we trust the tireless efforts of all those working to fight this virus will be able to contain it. ——Gavin Currie,CEO of Biosceptre”啟迪在英國投資的先鋒抗癌藥物研發機構Biosceptre,其CEO Gavin Currie代表Biosceptre發來慰問,翻譯如下:“我想伸出手來,告訴大家,我和許多人一樣,日夜牽掛著冠狀病毒問題。雖然疫情的主要焦點在中國,但這類公共衛生問題是全球性的,全世界應該聯合起來,共同合作,來確保控制病毒的最有效結果。 請接受我代表Biosceptre對受此影響的所有人表示衷心的關注,我們相信,所有致力于抗擊這種病毒的人的不懈努力,一定能夠遏制這場疫情?!?/section>“The management and personnel at Diagnostics for the Real World, Ltd wish to extend to the people in China our sincere condolences and total support during this challenging time. As a spinout company based on technologies developed at University of Cambridge, we have worked very hard to develop a simple, robust, sensitive and specific Carona virus SAMBA molecular test that can be used at the point-of-care. Through TUS, our corporate investor, we will be providing both machines and tests to frontline hospitals in order to simplify and accelerate diagnosis near the patients without the necessity of sample transport to centralised laboratories.We have all confidence in the rigour of the public health policies of the Chinese government and discipline of the Chinese people to overcome the challenges posed by the Carona virus. ——Helen Lee,CEO of Diagnostics for the Real World, Ltd(DRW)”啟迪在英國投資的醫療器械研發企業Diagnostics for the Real World, Ltd(DRW)的CEO Helen LEE發來慰問,翻譯如下:“在這個充滿挑戰的時刻,Diagnostics for the Real World, Ltd(DRW)的管理層和全體人員向中國人民表示誠摯的慰問和全力的支持。作為一家從劍橋大學的技術衍生出來的公司,我們一直致力于地開發一種簡單、強勁、具備高敏感度和特定性的冠狀病毒SAMBA 分子測試方法,可以在護理點使用。通過我們的企業投資者啟迪,我們將向一線的醫院提供機器和測試手段,以簡化和加速附近患者的診斷,而無需將樣品運送到集中式實驗室。我們對中國政府公共衛生政策的嚴謹性充滿信心,也充分相信中國人民克服冠狀病毒帶來的挑戰的自律性。”“Our thoughts are with all those not just in China but across the globe at this difficult time. As partners CW really value our friendship with Tuspark and are certain that this current situation will be overcome. Please be assured of our continued support for you and your countrymen, we will carry on developing our links with you and I look forward to our next visit to China.——Simon Mead,CEO of Cambridge Wireless Limited ”與啟迪英國具有戰略合作關系的全英頂尖創新平臺Cambridge Wireless Limited的CEO Simon Mead發來慰問,翻譯如下:“在這個艱難的時刻,我們不僅對于中國,也對全世界的人們表示深深的關注。作為合作伙伴,我們CW非常珍視與啟迪的友誼,也相信眼下的情況終將度過。請相信我們對您和您國家的人民不斷的支持,我們的聯系一直繼續下去,我也期盼著能盡快再去中國?!?/section>“Our thoughts are with our friends, the families and individuals in China who have been affected by the coronavirus. We would like to reassure our commitment to continuing the development of the Centre for UK/China Digital Business Development with our Chinese partners and colleagues as soon as possible. ——David Dunn, CEO Sunderland Software City”與啟迪英國具有戰略合作關系的英國著名創新平臺Sunderland Software City的CEO David Dunn發來慰問,翻譯如下:"我們想念著我們的朋友們,那些在中國的受到冠狀病毒影響的家庭和個人。我們承諾愿與我們的中國合作伙伴和同事一起,繼續發展英中數字中心的業務。啟迪英國依托啟迪全球創新網絡與完善的創新生態,與英國的眾多合作方在成果轉化、集群創新方面密切合作,幫助英國的創業企業和創新機構進一步認識與了解中國,為其提供中國視角、創造中國價值,攜手擁抱中英合作的“黃金時代”。英國合作伙伴的暖心慰問,體現了對中國疫情的高度關注和對中國人民的深厚情誼。另外據悉,英國政府目前為止總共資助4000萬英鎊,支持新冠疫苗研發。2月3日,英國政府承諾向在倫敦設有研究所的CEPI(全球流行病防疫創新聯盟)提供2000萬英鎊資金,以支持其進行新型冠狀病毒疫苗的研究。2月5日,英國衛生大臣馬特·漢考克(Matt Hancock)宣布再撥款2000萬英鎊,總共資助4000萬英鎊(約3.6億人民幣)支持新型肺炎的疫苗研發。第二批撥款的2000萬英鎊資金主要被用于資助CEPI成員——英國女科學家凱特·布羅德里克(Kate Broderick)的研究項目。
而《劍橋獨立報》2020年2月7日發表了題為“劍橋實驗室正在研制的冠狀病毒疫苗可能是對付這種流行病的最好希望”的文章。據該報透露,劍橋大學病毒人畜共患實驗室的負責人喬納森·希尼教授 (Prof. Jonathan Heeney) 和他的同事正在利用獨特的技術研發一種疫苗。希尼教授的實驗室在湖北武漢病毒爆發后的幾天內就開始對病毒的基因序列進行分子模擬。該小組已與英國公共衛生部和國際衛生當局取得聯系,要求從受感染者身上采集血液樣本。利用他們在麥丁利路外獸醫部內的最先進的生物接觸實驗室,這些樣本可用于監測候選疫苗引起的免疫反應。希尼教授認為,在適當的支持下,實驗室可以迅速行動,并在四個月內研制出一種可供測試的疫苗。“正是因為我們針對流感研發的技術和針對冠狀病毒的技術非常相似,所以我們能夠迅速行動起來?!迸c流感一樣,冠狀病毒的基因編碼是由RNA而不是DNA構成的。這意味著它更容易變異,也更難開發出相應的疫苗。
